Thursday, February 25, 2010

Resolutions Checkpoint

I was reading through back posts of Diets are Crap last night and I came across my post about new years resolutions--specifically what mine were and I figured it might be a good time to review them, assess progress, and make adjustments if necessary!

Here's the post if you need a refresher.

1) Finish my weight loss to my ideal (and healthy) weight by the end of February and maintain it.
Status: Yellow light.  While I'm 14 pounds into that 22 pound goal, I likely won't make it to the full 22 pounds by the end of know, unless I donate a kidney and half my liver.  I'm okay with this progress so far.  My clothes are getting bigger, my hip bones have made their presence known (especially when one collided with the table the other night.)
Updated Resolution: Finish the 22 pounds by the end of April.  Giving myself 2 more months allows me to work on taking out 1 pound a week and finishing easily.  While my caloric output has recently jumped up, it's still not enough to make it easy to blow through 2 pounds a week.

2) Get pricing for new counter tops for Ikea.
Status: Green Light. While I haven't gone to Ikea yet, I still have about 10 months to get out there. After the month of March (which is going to be insane), I have some plans stirring for April--and a lot of them involve home improvement (closets, desk, counters)

3) See my two best friends in their respective cities. I'm on my way to one in a few weeks--Vegas, baby!

Status: Green Light. I had a great time with J in Vegas last all I need to do is get to NYC to see my other J!  Again, I have plenty of time.

4a) Continue my savings/investing pattern that I established this year.
Status: Green Light.  Yaay financial security!
4b) Make and following a cleaning schedule to avoid stressing myself out.
Status: Red Light. To be quite frank with you, I didn't even make a schedule.  Bad bad bad.  Maybe I'll get to that this weekend...I also have intentions to delegate chores. 

5) Have 1 date with Chadd a month.
Status: Green Light. It's been pretty easy to do this since our birthdays are in January and February.  Hopefully we'll keep the pattern up through the year!

6) Study for and take my personal training certification exam. Also, stick with the yoga.
Status: Green Light. My personal training study stuff gets here tomorrow afternoon and aside from the snow delays, I've been good about going to yoga every Tuesday morning! 

On the To-Do List (the post following resolutions), I just started to chip away and got in touch with one of my Group Fitness Coordinators to find a good Registered Dietitian.  I'm dropping by the gym tonight to fill out the paperwork for getting probably 4 sessions with her.  Since I'll be starting my personal training soon, I want to make sure that I'm pairing it up with the right nutrition.  Review to come!

How are you doing on your resolutions?  Do you remember them?  Do you have new ones?

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